Welcome to Sky Ste Store

Effective Date January 2024


  • This policy constitutes a legally binding and enforceable contract between Skyste and you (“User”), so please read it carefully before using the Sky Ste Store.
  • We appreciate your interest and concerns about the privacy of your data, so we have prepared this policy to help you understand the nature of the collection, use, and sharing of personal data and how it is handled when visiting the Sky Ste website.
  • This policy applies to all your use of the Sky Ste Store, including information, data, services, tools, and all pages and other activities that are provided on the Store or through it or when you interact with us in any other way, and this policy does not apply to any websites, applications, or other services of third parties that are associated with our store.
  • By accessing or using any of the services of the Sky Ste Store, you acknowledge your agreement to this policy, you may not use the Store unless you agree to the practices outlined in this policy.
  • For the availability of this policy in both Arabic and English, and in the event of any conflict between the English privacy policy and the Arabic privacy policy, the approved version is the Arabic version.


In this policy, the following words and phrases have the meanings indicated next to each of them, unless the context of the text requires otherwise:

  • “We,” “us,” or “ours”: refers to SkySte.
  • “Data or Personal Data”: refers to any information in any form that identifies a known individual, or that can be used to identify an individual directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to his or her personal identification number or one or more of his or her physical, physiological, mental, cultural, economic, or social characteristics.
  • “Processing”: refers to any operation or set of operations that is performed on personal data by means of automated or non-automated means, including collecting that data, recording it, organizing it, classifying it into groups, storing it, transforming it, modifying it, retrieving it, using it, disclosing it, by broadcasting it, publishing it, transferring it, making it available to third parties, merging it, blocking it, erasing it, or destroying it.
  • “Policy” or “Privacy Policy”: refers to this document, including the explanations of the data that the application will collect, process, and the style and method of the application in dealing with it.
  • “Laws”: refers to the laws and regulations in force in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Data Collection

SkySte uses a variety of methods to collect personal data when you use our store, including:

  • Direct interactions: You may provide certain personal information when you register for an account (such as your name, address, phone number, email address, business registration image, commercial license, owner name, email and phone number, and other required data) or by filling out forms, or by emailing us, or otherwise. This includes personal information that you provide when you sign up for email alerts; request information to be sent to you; or provide feedback to us.
  • Technical or automated interactions: While you interact with our website, we may automatically collect technical data about your devices, browsing activity, and patterns, such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your device to the internet, your Internet service provider, the referring/exit pages, device identifiers, advertising identifier, operating system, type of add-ons, date and time, number of clicks, information about your use of our services, and data about devices connected to the network.
  • Cookies and tracking: We and some of our trusted partners who work with us or on our behalf may collect information about your activity on the services using tracking technologies, including cookies, pixels, and similar technologies.
  • Third parties: We may receive personal data about you or aggregated technical data from third-party service providers that we contract with to host or maintain certain sections of this site. We may also receive information that is shared by advertisers, developers, publishers, affiliate partners, and other third-party organizations or social media pages and platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and others.

You must provide complete, accurate, and up-to-date information and comply with the obligation to maintain the confidentiality of your account information, and specify the persons authorized to access and use your account. Otherwise, you will be responsible for any damages resulting from the inaccuracy of this information or data or failure to update it once it is changed. We may share the above information with third parties for the purpose of designing, analyzing, managing, and reporting and improving advertising on SkySte.

Data Use Limitations

SkySte is always committed to protecting your privacy, and therefore we use personal data for the following purposes:

  • To register your account and send a confirmation email to confirm your registration on the store.
  • To identify you when using the store and provide you with a personalized experience.
  • To provide better customer service, such as responding to your inquiries and resolving any issues you may have.
  • To facilitate purchases, and provide you with the most relevant information for you and your interests.
  • To communicate with you and send you periodic emails, and respond to inquiries.
  • To provide suggestions and recommendations on services that may be of interest to you, which may be based on your activity on the store.
  • For promotional and marketing purposes, and to conduct market research and surveys.
  • To comply with our legal obligations, resolve any disputes we may have with any of our users, and execute our agreements.
  • For any other uses after obtaining your consent for purposes other than those you have previously agreed to.

Data Sharing

We may share personal data on the following legal basis:

  • With the consent of the data subject.
  • In compliance with a court order issued by a competent court, the public prosecution, a judge of inquiry, or the military prosecution.
  • To fulfill the terms of use and our privacy policy.
  • To protect our rights, privacy, safety, property, and/or your rights or the rights of others.

We may share data with third-party providers who provide services or functions on our behalf, including business analytics, payment processing, customer service, marketing, public relations, survey distribution, and fraud prevention. We may also authorize third-party providers to collect information on our behalf, including, for example, when necessary to operate store features or to facilitate the delivery of online advertising tailored to you.

We may share your information or transfer it in the event that SkySte sells a portion of its business or assets to another company, or enters into any restructuring, merger, acquisition, joint venture, bankruptcy, or other transaction, your information may be sold or transferred as part of that transaction, and the new entity may use your personal data in the same way as set forth in this policy.

Data Storage

We will store your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it is or may be processed, and we reserve the right to review our current privacy terms, and you should review this policy from time to time.

We will retain your personal data associated with your account in our archives for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes set forth in this policy, unless we need to retain it for a longer period or as permitted by law, and the period for which we retain your personal data will vary depending on the purpose for which it was collected and used.

Data Protection and Security

SkySte takes technical and organizational measures to protect data from accidental or unauthorized destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized alteration, disclosure, access, or any other form of processing, and to provide an appropriate level of security taking into account the state of the art of technical protection methods, the cost of implementation, the nature of the data subject to processing, and the risks that may arise from such processing.

This level of protection may not be 100% effective unless you follow your own security policies. Therefore, we advise you not to share your account data with anyone, and if you are concerned that any of your personal data may have been disclosed, you must change it immediately after logging in to your account.

User Rights

According to the Personal Data Protection Law, the data subject has the following rights:

  • The right to be notified of the processing of his/her personal data.
  • The right to object to the processing for direct marketing purposes.
  • The right to request the correction, blocking, or deletion of his/her personal data, depending on the circumstances, if the processing is in violation of the provisions of the law, especially if the data is incorrect, incomplete, or outdated, or if the processing is unlawful.
  • The right to object to the processing that causes material or moral harm to the data subject or others.
  • The right to object to decisions made based on automated processing.
  • The right to file a complaint if you are not satisfied with the way SkySte processes your personal data.

User Responsibilities

  • The user (seller or customer) is responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the data he/she provides to us. If he/she shares any data for other people with us, he/she is responsible for that data in accordance with the legal requirements. Each party acknowledges that disclosing personal data to any other party is his/her personal responsibility without any intervention on our part, and without any responsibility on our part.
  • The user (seller or customer) agrees that SkySte only controls the data collected in the SkySte store and does not have any control over any data provided by the parties outside the store.
  • The user has an important role in protecting his/her personal data, which is done through the following:
  • Accessing, controlling, or modifying the identity data through his/her account in the store.
  • Not disclosing his/her account data to anyone else, especially account login data.
  • Logging out after the session ends when using someone else’s device or the internet in public places.
  • SkySte will not be responsible for the user’s negligence or failure to maintain the confidentiality of his/her data or any actions that result in access to the data by other parties.

Third-party links

SkySte store may contain links to third-party websites, and any personal data you provide on third-party websites will be provided directly to the operators of these services and will be subject to the operators’ privacy and security policies, if any, even if accessed through our store.

SkySte is not responsible for any policies or practices used by websites or services associated with the SkySte store, including the information or content they contain, data collection practices, or privacy policies they implement.

You should review the third-party’s privacy policy and terms of use when visiting any of these external apps or websites.

Marketing messages

If you have provided us with your data for the purpose of receiving updates from us or to receive information about services, or support requests, we may send you marketing messages via email. You can unsubscribe from receiving marketing messages from us in the future at any time by following the unsubscribe link in our emails or by contacting us via email.


We may use retargeting services to advertise to you on third-party websites after you visit our store. We also use cookies with our third-party providers to target, optimize, and display ads based on your previous visits to our store.


We may use cookies or other technologies to remember personal data or general information when you use the SkySte store.

Cookies are small files or records that we may put on your browser to collect data about your activities on the SkySte store, generate reports, and assess trends, in order to identify relevant interest-based advertising, to serve customer support, and to monitor how the store is being used.

We may also use services hosted by third parties to assist with these matters, which may collect data, such as your IP address, which is sent by your browser or via cookies. The purpose of this is to enhance your convenience and comfort, and to help us achieve efficiency in our business.


SkySte has the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time, so please review it frequently. The changes and clarifications will come into effect immediately after they are published on the SkySte store, so we recommend that you review this page on a regular basis and read it regularly, and when any important changes are published, they will be published on this page.

Please note that we are not responsible for your failure to review this policy before using and browsing the SkySte store, and that reading this policy by the users and browsers of the store is a full acknowledgment and recognition of all that is mentioned in this policy and an agreement to all that is mentioned in it.

Consent and Representations

You represent that you have read this Privacy Policy and agree to all of its terms and conditions. Your continued use of the SkySte store or its services constitutes your express consent to be bound by this policy. If you do not agree to be bound by the terms of this policy, you are not authorized to use or access the store.

I hope this is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact us at:
Email: Info@skyste.com